Read is not only a place for this WORLD but I kindly extend my invitation to the ALIENS as well....!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


When you see into the future, you see nothing but uncertainty. The fear engulfs you from within to push you towards inexperienced and unknown alleys. Because whatever we plan and anticipate does not always become a reality- not everyone is so lucky.

We can have expectations but can’t be sure about them as they prove to be fictitious in front of the Great Time. Its only time that makes the difference between assumptions and realities and between hopes and destinies.

Yet even after knowing this truth rather this harsh truth, we keep on running after ‘our’ plans, ‘our’ ideas, or ‘our’ dreams and ambitions as if these are the ones which, without any doubt would culminate into the present. What a fallacy!

Yes, although this habit of ours seems foolish, it is the most beneficial, as it helps us in making contingencies- to add at least a pinch of security to our future, the unknown.

My life too is no different. It has taken me to peaks and troughs; some of which I expected while some surprised me to the wildest of my dreams. And still a lot is left to be experienced!

But I feel blessed for believing in God the Al Mighty for my life, my destiny, my world is in His Hands. I accept Him not simply as an assurer but as a Master, Creator, Benefactor-who’s alternative neither was, nor is, nor will be anyone.

Where uncertainty exists, hope should also be born with it otherwise mankind would kill itself! This Hope comes out of the relationship one has with his/her Lord, whose basis is not any hypothetical or theoretical idea but which becomes self-evident and proven as we pass this life; even to those who deny its existence.


ireminisces said...

Asalamu alaikum,

Thanks for sharing, interesting pictures.. Rejoice With The Knowledge

Take Care
Fee Amanillah

MianTariq said...

If you have realistic goals followed by proper approach full of determination, you would achieve as dreamt with the help of Almighty Allah swt indeed.
So be optimistic of being blessed.

avecwings said...

nyc thinking..
indeed...hope is the ultimate saviour so i guess v all need to hold on to it as long as there breath in our lungs

Usama Rehman said...

thanks for your comments, they are invaluable!

ireminisces said...

Your welcome.

suhaila gani said...

your posting is nice friend :)
follow back.
i hv followed yours

Momina said...

I posted something similar on my blog!
Well written!

Usama Rehman said...

Wow! thats nice conincidence.....i never thought to find a similitude of any of my compositions! well....thanks for appreciating )