The Last Day!!!
The angel came and summoned the hills, the mountains, the plateaus and every kith and kin of theirs’, saying,
“O creations of The Al-Mighty! Uproot yourself and fly like carded wools as the Day has come and the Master has given His orders”
The creations of the Al-Mighty said,
“We have been in our places since ages and By-God have never altered our place, neither a step forward nor a step backward as our Lord had said so. We were heavy, big and strong but now shall uproot ourselves and embrace the weight of carded wool. We were contented before and are contented now, only and only because our Lord wishes so.”
Then the angel went to the Sun and said,
“O Sun! The Lord of the Worlds has ordered that you shall come down from your position and hug the Earth with your warmth as the Day has arrived and so has its events.”
The sunflower of the galaxy replied,
“O servant of God! I had been bowing infront of the Al-Mighty since my creation, but shall now prostrate as He decrees so”
Then........tranquility engulfed the entire area followed by a thunderous thunder and the Day of Judgment began!!!
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